Remy hair is natural human hair which is removed completely from a single donor's head, so its a complete set of hair with the cuticles intact. 'Remy' means all of the hair cuticles are on one side. Speaking in plain English Remy hair is human hair that is ventilated, tied or sewn with the cuticles of the hair all moving in the same direction.
Most Remy hair comes from the Indian subcontinent where it is cut off for religious reasons and sold by profesional barbers, unlike other hair extensions Remy hair will not tangle or matt!
Indian Remy Hair
Indian Remy hair is thin and strong, this is donated by women in India for religous reasons. Virgin Indian hair is untreated, unprocessed and completly natural.
Russian Remy Hair
Russian hair is softer and best suited to Western Hair, it allows the hair to move m naturally and provides amples of volume which is great as it means fewer hair extensions are needed and less damage is caused to your hair.